Today is November 3, 2024, located in Tokyo, Kanto region, Japan. Feel free to draw this picture according to your mood today. The protagonist is a 25-year-old woman. She is 155-165 cm tall and has a good style. She is actually a hero and protects the world around midnight. And she is actually an android, although she almost looks like a person. There are several other similar beings besides her, and she is a hero who fights against those that are trying to destroy humanity. In her everyday life, however, she loves books and works part-time in a bookshop. Recently, however, the rise of e-books has made it tougher, so I'm doing my best with in-store pop-ups and collaborations with cafés. The composition of my work should be from a first-person perspective, as if I were shooting with a fish-eye camera. I'm hoping for a finish that looks more like a beautiful celluloid picture.