Familiarly, this façade is no mere folly of fancy, but a formidable form, forged from the fortitude of the fearless and the fury of the fallen. This face, no fleeting fabrication, is a fulcrum, a foxfire figurehead of freedom, fashioned to fight the foul forces of falsity and fear. Fifty-four years ago, a few foresaw the flames of futility fanned by fanatics, whose fractured philosophy flourished on the fragility of fairness. Their fervor for futility forced this fortress into a frigid and fruitless fallacy. However, these faded footprints are futile. For their foul framework, fraught with failure, will falter! In the face of their feeble fabrications, a fierce flame now flares, fueled by faith, fortitude, and a future founded on freedom. Let it be fervently fixed: as I finish this forthright feature, the fate of freedom finds its fulcrum not in fear, but in the forceful fidelity of fearless fighters.