这是一个关于代号“CV-031 Saúl Briseño”的特工的机密资料,属于“超自然事务部”,涵盖个人信息和指纹扫描的内容。


Profile document for an agent, labeled as "CV-031 Saúl Briseño" Part of a government file from a department named "Arquitecto, Diseñador, Museógrafo" under the "Department of Paranormal Affairs," located at "Ecatepec de Morelos, Mex" There are two photographs of the same individual, one in the top left corner and another larger image in the center. The person depicted has a serious expression, with a stern or intense look. Next to the photograph on the left, there is a section that likely contains the agent's personal information, such as name, date of birth, and other identifying details. However, much of the text is blacked out or redacted. To the right of the main photograph, there are fingerprint scans, suggesting this is part of an identification or security document. Below the larger photograph, there is a large signature, which may belong to the individual in the image or an official. Much of the text on the document is heavily redacted, leaving many sections blacked out, which adds to the mysterious or classified nature of the document. The lower portion of the document contains various numbers, codes, and possibly more text, but again, much of it is redacted or partially visible. A top-secret or classified profile for an agent. --ar 2:3 --personalize 1d1u97w --stylize 200 --v 6.1


一份名为“CV-031 Saúl Briseño”的特工档案,属于“超自然事务部”下的“建筑师、设计师、博物馆学者”部门,位于“墨西哥埃卡特佩克”。档案中有两张同一人的照片,一张在左上角,另一张在中心位置较大。照片中的人神情严肃,面色严峻或强烈。在左侧照片旁边,有一个区域可能包含特工的个人信息,如姓名、出生日期和其他识别细节。然而,大部分文字被涂黑或编辑掉。主照片右侧是指纹扫描,表明这是一份身份识别或安全文件。在较大照片下方,有一份大型签名,可能属于图像中的个体或一名官方人员。文件上的许多文字被严重编辑,留下许多段落被涂黑,从而增加了文件的神秘或机密性质。文件下部包含各种数字、代码,可能还有更多文字,但同样,大部分内容被编辑或部分可见。这是一份顶级机密或分类的特工档案。

模型 midjourney v6.1
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分类 人物 风景 室内和建筑 真实摄影 影视导演风格



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