24岁女性航母飞行甲板 crew 正在登机,面带自信,背景为飞行飞机,画面光影优美。


A stunning cinematic profile shot captures a female flight deck crew member aged 24 years old, with brown eyes and chestnut curtain bangs hair. She wears hearing protection headphones as she boards a Navy aircraft carrier. The background features aircraft flying off the deck, adding a sense of action and excitement. The scene is beautifully composed with masterful use of natural daylight, highlighting sharp details and dynamic elements. The volumetric light creates a stunning environment, emphasizing the crisp, large-format quality of the shot. The woman, looking at the camera with a confident expression, embodies strength and determination, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the carrier and sky. This shot, taken with a Canon EOS C70 and a Canon 300mm f/2.8 lens, captures the essence of her role in a visually striking and engaging way. --ar 9:16 --style raw --v 6.0


这张惊人的电影概览镜头捕捉到一名年龄为24岁的女性飞行甲板机组成员,她有棕色的眼睛和栗色的帘子刘海头发。她戴着防音耳机,登上了一艘海军航空母舰。背景中的飞机从甲板上起飞,增添了活力和刺激感。这个场景构图精美,利用自然光巧妙地突出了细节和动态元素。体积光创造了一个惊人的环境,强调了镜头的清晰、大格式的特点。这位女士面带自信表情注视着镜头,展现了她的力量和决心,背景是令人惊叹的航空母舰和天空。这张照片使用佳能EOS C70相机和佳能300mm f/2.8镜头拍摄,以一种视觉上引人注目和吸引人的方式捕捉到了她角色的本质。

模型 midjourney v6
来源 musesai.io
分类 风景 真实摄影 科幻


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