

A vast, fiery steampunk sunset, with a clockwork city dwarfed by the immense sky. The city's spires reach towards the heavens, but they're dwarfed by the fiery hues of the dying sun. Airships, their sails billowing in the wind, glide through the sky, their shadows dancing across the cityscape. The sunset is captured through a vintage camera, its brass casing reflecting the fiery hues of the sky. The image is slightly blurred, as if the camera is struggling to capture the sheer beauty and grandeur of the scene. The sunset is rendered as a series of gears and cogs, each one representing a different color and intensity of the fading light. These gears and cogs are so large, so intricate, that they dwarf the city below, creating a sense of overwhelming scale. The viewer feels insignificant yet simultaneously connected to something truly magnificent --ar 16:9 --v 6.0


广袤而火热的蒸汽朋克日落,一个由巨大夜空所覆盖的钟表城市。城市的尖塔伸向天空,但它们被垂死的太阳的火红之色所掩盖。风帆鼓胀的飞艇在天空中滑行,它们的影子在城市景观上跳动。日落被一个复古相机捕捉,其黄铜外壳反射着天空火红的颜色。图像稍显模糊,仿佛相机在努力捕捉这场景的绝美和壮观。夕阳被渲染成一系列齿轮和轮辐,每一个代表不同颜色和光线的淡去之光。这些齿轮和轮辐如此之大,如此之精细,以至于比下面的城市都大,给人一种压倒性的尺度感。观者感到微不足道,但同时又与真正壮丽的事物相连——ar 16:9 --v 6.0

模型 midjourney v6
来源 musesai.io
分类 风景 3D风格 科幻


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