

Create a digital artwork featuring a sculptural silhouette of [SUBJECT] head with an open mind revealing stairs inside. A lone figure is seen ascending the stairs, symbolizing personal growth. The scene is set against a stark black background with minimalistic design elements. Illuminate the piece with a [COLOR-white gradient ] lighting for a surreal effect. Ensure the artwork is in sharp focus, with a surreal, ethereal atmosphere. --v 6.0


创作一幅数字艺术作品,以[主题]头部的雕塑轮廓为特色,展现内部有楼梯。 一个孤独的人物正在攀登楼梯,象征个人成长。 场景设定为朴素设计元素的鲜明黑色背景。 用[颜色-白色渐变]照明照亮作品,营造超现实效果。 确保作品清晰聚焦,具有超现实而飘渺的氛围。

模型 midjourney v6
来源 musesai.io
分类 风景 平面 UI设计


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