

Create an illustration inspired by Richard McGuire design and Wes Anderson colors that convey in a vintage, creative, trendy, and unexpected way, without any text in the visual, this prediction: Take a pause from deep talks today. Misunderstandings may pop up from small annoyances. Wait for a better day to have those heartfelt conversations - it's just around the corner. Trust us, your future self will thank you! --ar 11:16 --v 6


创作一幅灵感来源于Richard McGuire设计和Wes Anderson色彩的插图,以复古、富有创意、时尚和出人意料的方式表达以下预测,视觉中不包含任何文本:抽个时间停下来,今天先不要深谈。小烦恼可能会引发误会。等等一个更好的日子再谈心事吧,它就在不远处。相信我们,未来的自己会感谢你的!

模型 midjourney v6
来源 musesai.io
分类 卡通/动漫/游戏风格 室内和建筑 插画


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