

The first image fixes a single focal point in depth. The space between the subject and the "camera lens", as well as between the subject and horizon, is almost "vacant." This hollowness, with a strong central yet slightly off-center subject, suggests some precarious detachment. Wind and waves add emotional "coloring" as mentioned in my first post of this series. --v 6.0


第一张照片固定一个焦点深度。 主体与“相机镜头”之间,以及主体与地平线之间的空间几乎是“空的”。 这种空洞感,以及强烈的中心但略微偏离中心的主体,暗示了一种脆弱的脱离感。 风和波浪增加了情感的“色彩”,正如我这个系列第一篇文章中提到的那样。

模型 midjourney v6
来源 musesai.io
分类 风景 真实摄影


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