

The image features a vintage-style globe with a worn, wooden stand, sitting on a distressed wooden chest in a rustic, seaside-inspired room. The globe is positioned in front of a large, open window, which frames a stunning ocean view. A few nautical objects are scattered around the globe, including a worn leather-bound journal, a brass compass, and a faded life preserver ring. A small, hand-drawn map on a piece of parchment lies next to the globe, with a red X marked in the corner. A note, written in a flowing script, reads, "Meet me at the old lighthouse at midnight - C". The overall setting appears to be a cozy, adventurous space, where a traveler might sit and plan their next great journey. --v 6.0


图片上有一个复古风格的地球仪,它以一个破旧的木制架子放在一个有沧海之感的乡村风格房间里。地球仪的位置在一个大型开窗口前面,窗外是惊人的海景。地球仪周围散落着一些航海用品,包括一本破旧的皮革装订日记、一个黄铜指南针和一个褪色的救生圈。一个手绘的小地图放在一张羊皮纸上,地图的角落有一个红色的X标记。一张用流动的字体写着“在午夜时分在旧灯塔处见面- C”的纸条。整体的环境看起来是一个舒适而有冒险感的空间,一个旅行者可能会坐在那里计划他们的下一个伟大之旅。

模型 midjourney v6
来源 musesai.io
分类 风景 室内和建筑 插画 影视导演风格


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