

A photorealistic cinematic picture of a neon cowboy dressed in a bearskin, Kansas plains, 12mm lens, whithering trees, white marble aquarium, greg crewdson set, 19th century style, light above a gucci outline sign, 70’s dawn, ivan laliashvili and greg rutkowski, dusty pink swirling mist under foot, sparks of electricity in the air, This remarkable portrait is skillfully captured using a Leica M10 camera, paired with a Planar 15mm /2.8 lens, celebrated for its exceptional sharpness and beautiful rendering of colors. The camera settings are expertly chosen to emphasize the man’s powerful presence: an aperture of f/5.6, ISO 200, and a shutter speed of 1/125 sec. The composition benefits from the use of a large, soft light source, which bathes the scene in a gentle glow and casts subtle shadows that accentuate the contours of the officer's face and uniform. The background is vast --chaos 30 --ar 9:16 --style raw --sref 159188116 --personalize tklwrm6 --stylize 800 --v 6.1


一幅栩栩如生的电影画面,描绘了一位穿着熊皮的霓虹牛仔,站在堪萨斯平原上,周围有枯萎的树木,白色大理石水族馆,格雷格·克鲁德森的布景,19世纪风格,光线照耀在古驰轮廓招牌上,70年代的黎明,伊万·拉利亚什维利和格雷格·鲁特科夫斯基的作品,脚下是灰尘粉色的旋转雾气,空气中有电火花。这幅令人惊叹的肖像是用徕卡M10相机拍摄的,配备了Planar 15mm /2.8镜头,以其卓越的清晰度和美丽的色彩表现而著称。相机设置巧妙选择,以突显男子强大的存在感:光圈f/5.6,ISO 200,快门速度1/125秒。构图得益于使用大型柔光源,将场景沐浴在柔和的光晕中,并投射出细腻的阴影,强调了警官面部和制服的轮廓。背景广阔—

模型 midjourney v6.1
来源 musesai.io



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