

The main subject is an adult female, walking towards the shore, leaving footprints in the sand. She is dressed in a light summer dress, barefoot, with her hair caught in the breeze. She wears a sun hat, and is holding a book in one hand. Around her, seagulls fly overhead, with palm trees and dune grass dotting the shoreline. In the foreground, a red and white striped beach umbrella anchors firmly in the sand, providing shade next to a blue and white checkered blanket laid out with a picnic basket, plates, and a wine bottle visible. Nearby, a starfish lies in the sand. The background is dominated by the setting sun casting golden hues over the ocean, with a distant sailboat visible on the horizon. 👣 The composition is from a third-person view, slightly elevated, focusing on the woman walking and the trail of footprints she leaves behind. The lighting is soft and warm, emphasizing the golden hour and casting everything in warm tones of gold, blue, and green, with a focus on the textures of sand, water, and sky. The image is intended for high resolution fine art print, with a keen emphasis on the impressionist style's focus on light and color. --style raw --ar 7:5


主体是一位成年女性,步行向岸边,脚印留在沙滩上。她身穿一件轻盈的夏季连衣裙,光脚走路,头发在微风吹拂下飘动。她戴着一顶太阳帽,一手拿着一本书。周围,海鸥在头顶飞翔,棕榈树和沙丘草点缀在海岸线上。在前景,一把红白相间的沙滩遮阳伞牢固地插在沙子里,为蓝白格子毯子提供阴凉,毯子上摆放着一个野餐篮、盘子和一瓶酒。附近,一只海星躺在沙子里。背景被夕阳所主宰,将金色的色调投射到海洋上,地平线上可以看到远处的帆船。 👣构图是第三人称视角,稍微提高,聚焦在行走的女性和她留下的脚印。光线柔和而温暖,强调了黄金时段,并将一切都投射在金色、蓝色和绿色的暖色调中,重点放在沙子、水和天空的质感上。这幅图像旨在进行高分辨率的精美艺术印刷,强调印象派风格对光线和色彩的聚焦。

模型 midjourney v6
来源 musesai.io
分类 人物 风景



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