一幅艺术感十足的时尚插图,描绘了一位模特穿着2024年重新诠释的高定礼服,灵感来自Cristóbal Balenciaga的经典轮廓,设计简约而优雅,展示了丰富的艺术性。


A highly artistic, hand-drawn watercolor and ink fashion illustration of a contemporary model wearing a 2024 reinterpretation of a couture dress inspired by Cristóbal Balenciaga’s iconic silhouettes. The dress should have an updated, avant-garde design with a focus on simplicity and elegance, featuring sculptural draping and flowing lines that enhance the form of the model. The illustration should be loose and expressive, with visible brushstrokes that capture the emotion and movement of the fabric. The color palette should be minimal, using mostly black, white, and subtle tones to highlight the design, allowing the bold silhouette and the expressive quality of the lines to be the focal points. The overall artwork should evoke a balance between abstract and realistic elements, maintaining a sense of artistry and sophistication, characteristic of David Downton’s style. --ar 4:7 --v 6.1


一幅高度艺术感的手绘水彩和墨水时装插图,描绘了一位现代模特穿着2024年 reinterpretation的高级定制裙子,灵感来自Cristóbal Balenciaga标志性的轮廓。裙子应该具有更新的前卫设计,注重简单和优雅,展示雕塑般的垂坠和流畅的线条,增强模特的身形。插图应松散而富有表现力,笔触明显,捕捉面料的情感和运动。色彩调色板应简约,主要使用黑色、白色和细腻的色调来突出设计,使大胆的轮廓和线条的表现质量成为焦点。整体艺术作品应在抽象与现实元素之间达到平衡,保持艺术性和优雅感,体现David Downton的风格。

模型 midjourney v6.1
来源 musesai.io
分类 人物 时尚 插画 知名艺术家风格



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