

A photo featuring multiple photos arranged in a grid. One photo shows an urban street lamp with the text "fishesy." Another depicts green traffic signs with white clouds in a blue sky. One other photo shows a sign that says "twenty years and it's Wednesday". The style is minimalistic and flat design. There's a sign in the top right corner saying "ukgh sothCFD thank god itsfrvertis Cortes". At the bottom there should be the phrase "f nova v_sites day shift is th-hearted!" in the style of Cortes. --niji 6 --s 400


一张照片展示了多个照片 arranged in a grid。其中一张照片显示了一个城市街灯,上面写着“fishesy”。另一张描绘了绿色的交通标志,背景是一片蓝天和白云。还有一张照片显示了一个标志,上面写着“二十年了,今天是星期三”。风格是极简和扁平设计。右上角有一个标志写着“ukgh sothCFD thank god itsfrvertis Cortes”。底部应该有短语“f nova v_sites day shift is th-hearted!”以Cortes的风格。

模型 midjourney niji6
来源 musesai.io
分类 室内和建筑 卡通/动漫/游戏风格 真实摄影 壁纸海报



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