一位美丽的日本女性在摩天轮的 gondola 中与伴侣对坐,微微脸红,眼中流露出温柔而害羞的神情。


In a vibrant illustration reminiscent of a photo, a beautiful Japanese woman sits opposite her partner in a gondola of a Ferris wheel, gazing directly at the viewer. Her sleek, jet-black hair cascades over her shoulders, and blunt bangs frame her delicate features, emphasizing her beauty. Her cheeks are slightly flushed, hinting at her racing heart. Her large eyes seem to capture the gaze of anyone looking through the screen, radiating a tender yet bashful expression. The white T-shirt subtly accentuates her soft body line, while her casual wide jeans provide a relaxed yet refined appearance. Outside, the twinkling lights of the amusement park can be seen in the distance, with colorful attractions softly blurring the background. The gentle light of dusk illuminates her face, reflecting the sweet tension she shares with her partner seated in front of her, and in her eyes, there is a sparkle of excitement and joy. --ar 9:16 --niji 6


在一幅生动的插图中,一位美丽的日本女性坐在摩天轮的 gondola 中,面对着她的伴侣,直视着观众。她乌黑光滑的头发披肩,齐刘海勾勒出她精致的面容,突显了她的美丽。她的脸颊微微泛红,暗示着她的心跳加速。她的大眼睛似乎捕捉到每一个通过屏幕凝视的人,流露出温柔而羞涩的表情。白色T恤微妙地勾勒出她柔和的身材线条,而宽松的牛仔裤则呈现出一种轻松而优雅的外观。外面的游乐园灯光闪烁,五彩斑斓的游乐设施在背景中柔和地模糊。黄昏的柔光照亮了她的面庞,映照出她与坐在对面的伴侣之间甜蜜的紧张感,而在她的眼中,闪烁着兴奋与快乐的光芒。

模型 midjourney niji6
来源 musesai.io
分类 人物 卡通/动漫/游戏风格 插画 真实摄影



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